Our commitments
Empty Property Services Ltd is committed to:
Promoting equality and diversity in all aspects of our operations
Creating an environment free from bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination
Treating all employees, tenants, guardians, clients, and stakeholders with dignity and respect
promote staff development and career progression across the organisation to ensure equality of promotion prospects
Making reasonable adjustments for disabled employees, tenants, guardians and other stakeholders
Ensuring equal access to services for all eligible individuals
Promoting inclusive design in property development and maintenance
Providing fair and transparent tenant and guardian selection processes
Ensuring our marketing and communications are inclusive and accessible
Any employee, tenant, guardian or stakeholder who believes they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment can:
Raise the issue informally with their manager or a designated complaints officer
File a formal complaint following our complaint procedure by submitting a complaint via the complaints form
Seek external advice and support from relevant equality organisations